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Your Poinsettia in perfect condition all year round

Written By Unknown on Friday, June 17, 2011 | 1:49 AM

As each Christmas poinsettias every home again as a symbol of this holiday so special. The experts from the botanical Palmitos Park have developed a complete Decalogue with useful tips that you can be helpful:

1. Temperatures. The first thing to consider if you want to keep
Easter flower over a period of time than Christmas is to place the
plant in a place with constant temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees.

2. Lighting. If the plant is fully integrated and adapted to, the
light level is not critical, although they are always the most desirable
shiny places, especially in the flowering period. As Roberto points
Velez, an expert in the area of ​​botany at Palmitos Park "where the balconies are
ideal for this type of plant. "

3. Irrigation. At first, should be abundant, but always when the earth has
completely absorbed by the water of the last irrigation. "It should increase the amount
of water located in the new location during the summer in bloom "
Velez says.

4. Care of the leaves. Another essential care if you keep your
looking good is sprayed with water to avoid red leaves to keep out
staining or discoloration.

5. Transplantation: For Roberto Velez, "although houseplants after the holidays
Christmas can be transplanted to the garden or where not receive excessive
sunlight, which will improve its maintenance, being able to form a
shrub up to five meters. "

6. Height: If we keep the poinsettia in a pot, its maximum height can
reach up to 50 cm.

7. Sun and Shadow: In the post-flowering from February, it's good
give you the sun, but little else. "Watering once a week and always pay with a
mild fertilizer, preferably organic, will be very beneficial to our
plant, "said Velez.

8. Pruning: Since the area of ​​botany at Palmitos Park, stress that pruning is
to be earlier this year. "Being a plant mimosa must give
much care if we keep it in perfect condition. "

9. Protection: According to Velez, "since the shrubs of milk, the plant secretes
self-protective substance to branch and leaves quite corrosive than
advocates of possible animal bites. "

10. Fertilizer: The two times when you have to pay are February-March
using fertilizer for growth, and October-November, with a specific fertilizer


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