Home » , » FEMALE GENITAL: Uterine Tube


Written By Unknown on Sunday, June 12, 2011 | 6:56 AM

The uterine, or fallopian tubes, tubular bodies are equal, which extend from the upper pole of the ovary to the uterus result in part superolaterale, they have a duty to accommodate the egg after ovulation, to allow and facilitate the meeting between egg and sperm, and to push the fertilized egg in the uterus, where it is implanted.

Each tube has an average length of 12 cm and its size is very variable in different sections, reducing the distal part toward the media: at the initial infundibular portion that comes in the form of a large funnel from the base of jagged due to strips about 1 cm, the fimbriae, which float freely in the peritoneal cavity, and, with their movement, are able to capture the egg expelled from the mature follicle, one of them, ovarian fimbria, is linked to the ovary tuboovarico ligament; all'infundibulo followed by the ampullary portion, the longest (8 cm) and tortuous, which may come into contact with the loops of the small intestine and left colon with ileopelvico, and that starts by making a curve concave medial then descends obliquely until the isthmic portion, about 3 cm, the light closer and harder consistency, the last section is given by the intramural portion, very short, which runs through the wall of the uterus and flows through the same orifice Uterine diameter of about 1 cm.

Throughout its course, the tube is covered with peritoneum and peritoneal meso subtended by the Mesosalpinx, coming from the back sheet of the broad ligament, it receives between the two layers that compose it, vessels and nerves, and allows a certain mobility the tuba, especially in the first two portions.

The inner surface of the tube is very irregular and is characterized by numerous folds of the tubal mucosa tunic, which has a simple cylindrical epithelium with cilia that promote the progress of the ovum to the uterus and the, same time, sperm towards the egg, the epithelium undergoes significant changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and is therefore extremely sensitive to the influence of hormones.

The arteries coming through the branches of tubal ovarian and uterine arteries.

The veins are part medial to the uterine vein and lateral to the ovarian vein.
The lymph nodes are issued by pre-and paraaortici.

The nerves, which are intended primarily to smooth muscle, and come from plexus uterovaginale uteroovarico.


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