Home » , » FEMALE GENITAL: Uterus


Written By Unknown on Sunday, June 12, 2011 | 7:05 AM

The uterus is the organ that is involved in the pregnancy, that is, the reception of the fertilized egg, and allows development within it. It receives the upper end of the fallopian tubes, and continues down the vagina, the muscular part is well developed and allows, with its contractions and the expulsion of the fetus during delivery.

The uterus is located in the pelvis behind the bladder and in front of the rectum is at the top of the symphysis pubis and, later, at the 1st and 2nd coccygeal vertebrae, the shape of a pear flattened in the anteroposterior direction, with length of 6-7 cm, 3-4 cm wide and 2 cm thick and weighing 40 grams, you will identify a body, top, and a collar, bottom, between the body and neck is a narrowing, greater in nulliparous, said isthmus, and the body is above the fund, the portion of the cervix that opens into the vagina is called the nose of tench.

The front face is concave forward and is in contact with the cable vescicouterino, with the rear wall of the bladder, the posterior wall is convex, covered by peritoneum and is based on the front of the rectum, the sides have the broad ligaments, and see the outcome in the upper margin of the tube, the top is the bottom, and below the insertion of the vagina, which is an obtuse angle forward.

Between the inner wall of the vagina and the outer wall of the uterus, forming a circular space, called the vaginal fornix, which distinguish one front, one rear (the deepest, 2 cm) and two sides.

While the neck is fixed to the vagina and with these, with the pelvic floor, the body is extremely mobile on all the axes are employed to limit the mobility of the broad ligaments and round ligaments, consisting of two strips with bundles of dense fibrous connective elastic fibers and smooth muscles that originate from the uterus superolaterale to end, after passing through the inguinal canal, pluckers at the base of the pubic tubercle.

Inside the uterus can be identified two cavities, the body cavity and cervical canal, internal os separate from the orifice, and the cervical canal opens into the vagina through the external uterine orifice.

The body cavity has a triangular shape flattened, the thickness of which depends greatly on the number of shares, while the cervical canal has fusata form, that is in closer correspondence with two openings.

The front and back walls are irregular for the presence of palmate folds which, taken together, buy a tree form and are called tree of life.

The uterine wall is composed, from the inside out, endometriosis, a mucous membrane very sensitive to hormonal stimuli, the myometrium, a very thick muscle layer, which is also subject to the effect of hormones, and the perimeter, typical structure of the peritoneum.

The peritoneum completely surrounding the fundus and body of the uterus (forming the wire and cable vescicouterino rettouterino) and also much of the back of the neck, are evidence of coating the anterior surface and sides of the neck where the ligaments are wide, the same dependencies peritoneum.
The arteries of the uterus are the uterine artery, which derives from the umbilical or hypogastric.

The veins form a plexus uterovaginale resulting in the internal iliac vein.

The lymph nodes are issued by pre-and paraaortici and hypogastric lymph nodes.

Nerves come primarily from uterovaginale plexus.


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